02-22-2020, 04:43 AM
Maybe I should've thought about the title of this thread a bit more thoroughly and called it something other than "business" books to include strategic or just anything that can help someone by showing them different ideas that they could use.
I'll definitely check out your suggestion.
One book that has really little to do about "business building" like the typical books that one thinks about when this topic is brought up, but I found really interesting is "Trust Me, I'm Lying Confessions of a Media Manipulator" by Ryan Holiday.
It's a behind the scenes look at how easily the media is manipulated. Obviously this can be done for good or evil, it just depends on the type of person doing the manipulating. Ryan was a master of it and used his skill to make a lot of money for himself and the companies that hired him.
I'll definitely check out your suggestion.
One book that has really little to do about "business building" like the typical books that one thinks about when this topic is brought up, but I found really interesting is "Trust Me, I'm Lying Confessions of a Media Manipulator" by Ryan Holiday.
It's a behind the scenes look at how easily the media is manipulated. Obviously this can be done for good or evil, it just depends on the type of person doing the manipulating. Ryan was a master of it and used his skill to make a lot of money for himself and the companies that hired him.