(03-03-2020, 05:44 PM)Claire Koch Wrote: Back in the day when the Warrior Forum was owned by Allen Says I had a hard time knowing who was
more creative Him or my hero Kurt. I am not creative. But Allen was forever writing articles about
clever ways to market. And you would read them with a watering mouth as they were always so good.
With that in mind here's how to get people to read anything you write.
People always need a reason why they should read. So always start anything you write by eluding to
the fact that something amazing is ahead.
Clever pffff. Just Allen's Secret to success lol.
(((Hint: Something amazing has to be in the article)))
Thanks Claire, I appreciate your comments but I'm not on Allen's level as a marketer and that's not false modesty. I think what I remember Allen Says most for is selling resell rights to things before that was a well-known marketing strategy. He did it in a way that made the Warrior Forum go viral in its early days.
He'd sell resell rights to someone and they'd sell that product to someone else, especially since they could keep all the money and there weren't many affiliate options in the day...and the product also included access to the WF which was private at the time. I'm trying to do something similar here with Pheeders but Allen is better at this than me.
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