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The ultimate SEO and content toolkit for cheapskates
I've been asked what I think are the best tools for creating niche sites for someone on a tight budget. If you're looking to get started in niche content and SEO, or looking for some great tools to take your business to the next level, I highly recommend these.

IMO, these are the options that give the most value. When used together, these tools create a SEO-friendly system that is about as good as it gets for the small DIY marketer. It also includes finding domain names with existing value that can be assets all by themselves.
The Lifetime deal on AppSumo will end on May 30, 2022.
WriterZen - $79 or $69 one time if you use my Refer a Friend link and it's your first time using AppSumo.

WriterZen is a powerful keyword research and content outline tool with many useful features. For the price using the AppSumo deal it is an outstanding deal.

It doesn't have quite all the features SEMRush and Ahrefs do, but it has enough plus a few they don't have to make WriterZen a much better value, especially with the lifetime Appsumo deal.

Rytr - $29 month.
An excellent AI content helper. Don't let the simple interface fool you. It has all the features and abilities the other AI writers do, they just organize them in a much simpler (better) way. If you just want to get started using AI to help write content, Rytr is the fastest way.

ScaleNut - $144 to $396 a year with a free 7 day trial. While there are monthly options, the savings on the yearly deal is what gives ScaleNut a lot of extra value.

ScaleNut sort of combines the features of WriterZen's keyword research and outline tools with Rytr's AI writing abilities.

I suggest getting Rytr and ScaleNut, if you:
  • Have WriterZen, then get the $144 ScaleNut Individual plan. That's only $12 per month.
  • Don't have WriterZen or another quality keyword tool, get the Growth Plan for $396. That's only $33 per month.
The combo of Rytr, WriterZen and ScaleNut have some over-lapping features. But they also complement each other very well so having access to all 3 is a big advantage, at a lower price and with more potential than their better know competitors.

Keyword Chef - $20 for 1,200 credits, 1000 free credits when you sign up.
This is the best tool I've found for checking competition. They do it in a different way than the others by looking at the SERPs for each keyword, checking for sites that have User Generated Content (UGC), like forums, Reddit, Quora, etc.

The more UGC sites that appear in the top 10 for a particular keyword, the more likely you can rank a page for that keyword.

Tip: If you see a site like Quora, Reddit or Pinterest listed more than once in the Top 10, that's a really strong sign of weak competition.

The biggest "con" of Keyword Chef is it's expensive.

Plus, as I mentioned above, Keyword Chef measures competition differently. By combining the competition check of WriterZen's Golden Keywords and AllinTitle features with Keyword Chef's strategy, you're going to get a real good indication of the strength of keywords.

Keywords Everywhere - $10 for 100,000 credits

Keywords Everywhere is a very cheap pay-as-you-go way to check the basic metrics of lists of keywords, including number of searches per month.

This lets you do some filtering of your keywords before adding them to WriterZen and Keyword Chef, which cost more per keyword. A big percentage of keywords generated by tools won't get any searches (traffic), so be sure to filter them out before paying for more research. No point in paying to check if keywords have competition or value if they can't get traffic.

Spamzilla  - $37 a month

Spamzilla makes it easy to find domain names that already have links pointing to them that you can buy for the cost of registration, around $10. The "spam" in Spamzilla refers to checking backlinks to domains for spammy backlinks. Spamzilla helps us avoid those.

People build sites are for many reasons they don't renew their domain names. And these sites still have other sites linking to them. A couple of good links can make a big difference for low competition keywords.

Domain names are also an asset all their own and can be bought, sold, gifted, rented and traded. A good domain name also adds value to developed sites.

You can use a free site like, but Spamzilla makes it faster and easier (and better) to check the link profiles of available domains. This is important enough to justify the $37.

Not Right Away But Soon: Add Either/Both Free Levels
Both email services have fairly recently added free levels and offer a ton of value of DIY marketers. Once you start getting traffic, it's time to begin collecting email addresses.
  • Aweber
  • GetResponse

You need hosting now.
Future: Plan on getting hosting at multiple cheap hosts

Make It Even Better
Sign up for any paid account at either Rytr or ScaleNut using my affiliate link and I'll give you these exclusives, just send me the email you used to sign up for them.

Fast and Furious Pages - $22 (Free is you use my affiliate link for Rytr or ScaleNut)

Includes my special HTML templates and strategies. No other approach to creating webpages gives you the combination of ease, speed, SEO and direct marketing like Fast and Furious Pages gives you.

My Pheed Me 4 Courses special reports
These reports are full of methods, tips and strategies you can't find anywhere else and will make these tools even more effective.
  1. Pheed Me Keywords
  2. Heed Me Quora
  3. Pheed Me Reviews
  4. Pheed Me Traffic

These are short actionable reports that will increase the potency of these tools.

Kings and Queens of Content and Product Creation Private VIP Membership.
Kings and Queens of Content VIP Access and Downloads

Rytr and ScaleNut will give you all the written content you could ever want. The Kings and Queens will show you all sorts of way to create a wide variety of content and products that go beyond written content.

Kurt's #1 Keyword Research Rule for Tightwads

When doing keyword research, ALWAYS filter the results as much as possible using the cheapest or free tool then progress to more expensive tools as you need. Even within the same tool, like WriterZen, you can often filter words before doing more advanced research which cost credits.

Here's an example workflow, going from free to the most expensive to get the highest possible value from each:
  1. Use a free tool like Keyword Sheeter to collect a bunch of keywords.
  2. Remove Dupes - Filter. Free.
  3. Keywords Everywhere - Filter by search volume, like 50 search a month or more. Cheap
  4. WriterZen - Filter by checking competition using AllinTitle and Golden Score. Moderately priced.
  5. Keyword Chef - Final filter for competition. Expensive.

It's quite possible that you will collect 1000s of keywords at the beginning of your research and only enter a few dozen in Keyword Chef at the end.

Summing it All Up

Start Up
  1. $69 WriterZen (one time)
  2. $144 or $396 ScaleBot (yearly)
    $213 - $465

  1. $29 - Rytr
  2. $37 - Spamzilla

There's no long term commitment with either, and both can be easily cancelled then restarted as needed. You probably don't need to subscribe to Spamzilla every month.

Pay As You Go
  • $10 Keywords Everywhere - Filter by search volume, like 50 search a month or more. Cheap
  • Free Keyword Chef - Free to start with 1000 credits then $20 and higher.

Here's Just Some of the Power of it All
  • Instant products you own with better domain names for selling and ranking.
  • Virtually unlimited quality written content for practically any niche.
  • Quickly develop and flip websites or domain names for quick money. Good domain names with good content are assets you own that you can sell, give away, trade or rent.
  • Easy to advanced keyword tools to find niches to develop and articles to write about.
  • My added resources to build pages faster, do extreme keyword research, create all sorts of products and content and...and...and...
Go ahead and compare the featues and prices of these resources against similar services
You're total yearly expenses with my suggested tools will cost about the same as 3-4 months of any single one of the tools listed above. And IMO, you'll have even more potential with my alternatives.

Content, Traffic, Follow Up
Toss in the free email services aWeber and GetResponse (and others) give you for follow up marketing, and you really don't need to look anywhere else.

This is all you need. Just tweak your system down until it works. Then repeat.

Yes, I'm an affiliate for Rytr and ScaleBot. I'm also a customer and I love both, which is why I'm an affiliate for each. I'm using my AppSumo refer a friend link because it may save you $10...and I get a $10 credit to buy something from them.

WriterZen - $79 or $69 one time if you use my Refer a Friend link and it's your first time using AppSumo.

My Affiliate Links:

Order a paid subscription using either, let me know the email address you used, and I'll send you my bonuses.
Enjoy Generous Commissions up to 60%, find ready-to-use swipe files and more with
The Pheeds Kings and Queens of Content VIP Club affiliate program.

Click here to your affiliate link and get started now.

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Here's a good intro to WriterZen. It combines many of the features from both SEMRush and SurferSEO.
The AppSumo deal he mentions in the video isn't the one currently available. And the one available now expires soon.

Let me add, these SEO content helpers like WriterZen and SurferSEO are very a degree. They can actually be harmful if you spend too much time trying to be "perfect".

My advice is to be fast, not perfect. Instead of trying to match keywords exactly as recommended, pick the ones that you can write good content for as quickly and easily as possible.

Averages for many of the numbers don't mean a lot. If one page uses 2000 words and another has 500, the average is 1250. But in this example, neither of the 2 pages has close to 1250 words. So why assume 1250 words is the "sweet spot"?

Honestly, I don't care much about the $10 credit I get if you buy using my AppSumo refer-a -friend link. I truly believe that for the cost of the lifetime memberships, WriterZen is a tool just about every person doing IM should have, unless you have another tool like Ahrefs or SEMRush.
Enjoy Generous Commissions up to 60%, find ready-to-use swipe files and more with
The Pheeds Kings and Queens of Content VIP Club affiliate program.

Click here to your affiliate link and get started now.

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