(04-08-2020, 01:42 AM)Claire Koch Wrote: I really think it has to do a lot with online ordering. The companies that have joined in got the ordering up or already
have it are doing better then they were before. This does not include percentages as far as WHO is succeeding and
who isn't in the niche. I hate the thought of charging anyone at this difficult time tho. The trick is freebees and followups to them I think.
Its time to help people. Just a heads up to Kurt for starting this as i really am loving this topic.
Thanks...but I didn't start this thread, cosmic77 did and it was his idea, although I'm always willing to steal credit.

This is a tough situation for me. I lost my only client (a close friend) because her Las Vegas business totally tanked. I closed my Etsy shop because some print on demand companies closed their factories and I'm concerned others in other states will too. I sell IM stuff but feel bad trying to sell things, but it's what I do.
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