03-21-2020, 02:25 AM
(03-20-2020, 09:39 PM)cosmic77 Wrote: Ok this is getting weird, Bro & I thought ahead of curve about 5 weeks ago and started buying small amounts of necessities for our elderly folk. We also focused on seeds as a precaution (But also we plant anyway). By the time we went looking end of last week, all seeds for Veg were sold out, every shop except one which had just 8 packets left. Went to our local B&Q superstore today and there were only a handful of potato plants left which we bought.
PLEASE Get as much as you can for it. Now is your time & doing honest business to help your family with wise financial thought = wholesome
Trust me If I had the cash, I'd buy it. Its going to be all online next few months as restrictions in travel take place.
If I had time I'd probably develop it myself. But the timing is best to sell it now. I guess I probably shouldn't assume everyone doesn't have money and it could be a good investment for someone.
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