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Building Money Sites the Fast and Furious Way
What is the fastest, easiest and best way to create small 8-40 page niche sites? Let's say you have a collection of 15 articles. They can be either original content or you just bought some PLR articles.

You want the pages to be SEO friendly, load in an instant and focus on sound marketing principles. The pages need to be mobile responsive so your pages will look great to everyone.

Fast and Furious Pages are web page templates, that HTML and CSS and I designed to load superfast, be extremely SEO friendly, easy to use, and focus on direct marketing.

Fast and Furious Pages takes us "back to the future"...combining old school HTML site building with cutting-edge CSS.

Fast and Furious takes us back to a time when making sites was easier. Before WordPress, we all used to make simple sites using HTML. Many of us that did, still use HTML page a lot.

I love WordPress and have products for WP. And I plan to keep using it. But it's too big and bulky for many purposes, especially when creating smaller niche sites to take full advantage of keyword research.

WP makes doing a lot of hard things easy. WordPress can also make doing a lot of easy things very hard.

I have looked for a good, simple, HTML template literally for years and never found one I really I decided to make my own.

The first thing about Fast and Furious Pages is that they are made for web content that makes us money. We want layouts that present useful content that helps folks and ALSO focuses on a design that helps make us money. Often, as direct marketers, we don't want or need big, vast, content sites with all the bells and whistles. We just want pages with content and revenue streams.

If you want a fancy rainbow-colored drop down navigation menu, use WordPress.

If you want a page designed to rank, load fast, look good at all screen sizes, inform and sell, use Fast and Furious Pages

It really isn't either/or. There's a place in every marketer's tool kit for both Fast and Furious Pages and WordPress. But many times using WordPress is like building an entire auto repair shop when you only need a screwdriver. It's total overkill.

Why Fast and Furious Pages Needs to Be in Your Web Marketing Toolkit

Superfast - Fast and Furious Pages will load as fast as any pages. Of course, this is also dependent on how many things you add to your pages and your host's speed. But I've taken every measure to create the fastest loading templates around.

SEO Friendly - They are structured for SEO with Google in mind and being uber fast helps. I have 26 years of SEO. This isn't mystery voodoo. It's just the basic but solid and necessary stuff, ready to go for you.

Easy and Simple Page Making System - You don't need to learn to code or design. You can be artistically challenged. You just need to understand a few simple things. As a matter of fact, IMO this is the easiest way to make effective and efficient pages. See posts below.

Clean and Uncluttered - Your Fast and Furious Pages not only perform well, they look good as well. See posts below for screen shots.
Drastically Improve Your Odds by Testing - Use Fast and Furious Pages to create sites as quickly and easily as possible. Then see which give you the best results and deserve further attention. Don't waste time on "fancy things" when no one is even looking at your pages, that probably only make your pages sell less anyway. This is the best marketing decision you can make.

Mobile First and Responsive - "Mobile first" means that formatting for mobile devices is the first priority. The layouts are responsive and images and embedded YouTube videos are also responsive and will resize according to browser window size. They look good full size too. See posts below.

Incredibly Small So They Save Tons of Server Disc Space -

I checked out a folder on my hard drive for WordPress.

It has:
  • 2,189 Files
  • 293 Folders
  • 53.8 MB

Using round numbers, that's 2200 files and 54 megs just for WP and you haven't added plugins, additional templates...or any content.

I created a 1500-word article using Fast and Furious Pages. No images, or extra html, just the page template code and 1500 words. It's 11k.

Again, rounding off, that's almost 5000 1500-word Fast and Furious pages for the same server space as a single installation of WordPress...and WP still needs to add your 5000 articles. 5000 articles may be a little high. However, adding images and some other HTML like links and tables, you can easily post 1000 articles using the same disc space as a single WP install...without any content on WP.

Exploit Cheap Hosting - Not only are Fast and Furious sites extremely small and fast, they require very little server resources (which is one reason they are so fast). You can take advantage of hosting deals with smaller disc space and don't need to worry about special features like MYSQL databases. If your host can't run Fast and Furious Pages, they can't run web pages.

You Only Need a Few FREE Web Design Tools - Nothing more to spend execept for domains and hosting. With a couple of free tools, you can easily customize and develop your own Fast and Furious pages. See posts below.

Two Template Layouts - These are the two layouts marketers need. Anything more is really just another distraction. See posts below.
  • One Column
  • Two Columns

Two Easy Steps to Change the Entire Look and Feel - Just swapping out the header image and change the "Title Bar" color gives you a lot of versatility with minimal effort. You're better off spending that time on more content and promotion/linking. See posts below.

70+ Ready-to-Use Optimized Header Images - These are images that look good, give your sites some character and have been "shrunk" so they load immediately. See posts below.

No Footprints - Footprints are patterns that can be spotted by hackers and spammers. A common footprint is "Powered by WordPress", which to hackers is like having a "kick me" sign taped to the back of your shirt at a biker rally.

Much MUCH safer than WordPress. Not only is WP prone to hackers, plugins and even templates can each have security leaks.

Don't Worry about Back Ups - You have a backup of your entire site on your computer. Need to change hosts or something happens? Just re-upload it.

You Are Far Less Likely to Need an Expert If Something Goes Wrong - Not only are there far fewer things that can go wrong with HTML, you are in more control and need a lot less tech knowledge if something does. This is really an underestimated possibility.

IMO the Biggest Issues with HTML Pages are:
  • RSS pheeds aren't generated automatically. They can be made manually if needed, and you may not even need or want them, since these sites aren't intended to be constantly updated.
  • No auto posting of links to new pages to the home page or things like category pages. When you create a new page you will also need to create a link to it from your home page. You may also want to add links to new content in sidebars and other pages. The good news is, with this extra effort also gives you extra flexibility. You are in total control over where links go and what they say.
  • No plugins. WP has a huge selection of free and premium plugins that make it easy to expand it power. However, there's also a lot of free and paid "stand alone" php scripts which do many of the same things. But again, it isn't either/or. You can use both Fast and Furious Pages AND WordPress.
  • Flipping sites. A domain developed with WP probably has a higher perceived value than one built with HTML/CSS.
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First Time For Each New Site:

For each new site, copy the Fast and Furious folder to a new folder and name the folder using the domain name.

Customize the two templates for each new site so you can use them for all your new pages on the site.

Decide if you want to work with .html pages or .php pages. It isn't a big deal and you can do both. See below.


With two really simple changes, you can totally change the look and feel of the pages for each site. You will want to make these 2 changes on both your 1column and 2 column templates.
[Image: DesignDemo3.gif]
Step 1 is the header graphic. There are 70+ header graphics included. I optimized these so they will load very quickly. You can modify them, use them as is, not use a header graphic or make your own.

Step 2 Change the background color of the "header box".

Open 1column.php (and/or 1column.html)

1. Change header graphic

On about Line 72 of both templates, look for this line of code:
<img src="images/headerb1b.jpg" alt="topic" style="width:100%">
Change the .jpg to any graphic in the /images folder.

You can use any of the included headers. Some will work "as is". Or you can add text and images to others. You can even remove the image tag. But be quick and decisive.

Tip: Think about using a general niche keyword as the name for this image like: recipes-header.jpg

Also consider using a secondary keyword in the image's alt="topic".

2. Change the color of the header bar.

On about Line 81 of both templates, look for this line of code:
<div class="w3-container w3-black">
The w3-black is a special tag for those of us using W3CSS. The included w3.css file is what tells the User's browser how to display things and can be modified, if you know what you're doing.

Keep your color choices simple and just choose one of the following w3- colors. First it saves time. Also, by using the w3- options, the CSS will automatically use black or white text in contrast to the background color, another time save.

W3CSS Colors


Open 2column

Make the same changes you did above.

Change header graphic on about line 72.
<img src="images/headerb1b.jpg" alt="topic" style="width:100%">
Change the w3-color on about like 81:
<div class="w3-container w3-black">
Save as either index.html or index.php. This will be your Homepage. You will probably want a two column homepage, but if for somereason you want a single column, you can do that too.

Make  and Save a copy of index.html and use it as your 2column template.
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The Pheeds Kings and Queens of Content VIP Club affiliate program.

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Making Web Pages

Do yourself a HUGE favor. Do NOT be intimidated by working directly with html in a text editor. For what we do, working directly with text is much faster than WYSIWYG. WYSIWYG is much faster than WordPress.

You won't be designing web pages by writing code. That's what the Fast and Furious templates are for. You just need to be able to find a few things in the html code and write/copy/paste.

I suggest using a text editor and a WYSIWYG editor. Use the text editor for the simple things, which is the majority, and a WYSIWYG editor for other design features.

Open a template in your text editor

Immediately do a "Save As" using keywords separated by hyphens as your file name.big-ford-truck.php
Look for the title tag and fill in the title. Then fill in the meta description tag, which is right below the title tag.

On about Line 5:
1 Column
Pay attention to the brackets and just replace the words in between them with your main keyword first and some "copyrighting" words.

On about Line 7:
<meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials">
Pay attention to the "quotation marks" and replace what's in between with your page description. Use secondary keywords that are also used on your page as well as copywriting theory.


Create your written content using your favorite software, then paste it into a new Fast and Furious page. Just use:
H2 headers
Links/Anchor text
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What and Why W3.CSS

W3.CSS is a "framework" that helps design web pages. Over-simplified, a framework is instructions that CSS and HTML use for things like colors, fonts, layout, etc.
  • W3.CSS is "mobile first" and responsive.
  • W3.CSS is Open Source, which means we can legally and ethically use it.
  • W3.CSS is the easiest platform to learn and use.
  • W3.CSS is the fastest framework.

To repeat...W3.CSS is free, the easiest to use makes and the fastest web pages.

Bootstrap is probably the most used and well-known platform, and it's good. However, it uses JavaScript for things like fancy dropdown menus. We're making SEO-friendly direct marketing pages. We don't want or need these things. These abilities shouldn't be used by us marketers anyway, and only make Bootstrap pages a little slower and a little harder to design.

The templates are totally responsive as is. However, you can add things like images and tables that aren't responsive. Be careful with tables. It's impossible to put a lot of info into tables and expect them to look good on small handheld screens. Use them only to organize small bits of info and possibly to help with layout.

To make images responsive, you just need to use W3.CSS functions.

Use these code snippets to make images responsive and to align left, right or center.
<img src="image.jpg" alt="keyword" style="max-width:100%; float: left;  padding: 20px;">

<img src="image.jpg" alt="keyword" style="max-width:100%; float: right;  padding: 20px;">

<img src="image.jpg" alt="keyword" style="max-width:100%; float: center;  padding: 20px;">
Use this code snippet to make your embedded YouTube videos responsive:
<div class="embed-youtube">
    <iframe src=""></iframe>
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The Pheeds Kings and Queens of Content VIP Club affiliate program.

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"Includes", PHP and HTML

This simple method will allow us to update a single file and have the updates take place across all the pages on your site. For example, you can add a "footer" to every page on your site and update this single file to update the footer on all pages on your site.

There are html and php versions of both templates. Don't be afraid, they are the same thing. You can edit them with either/or a text editor and a WYSIWYG EDITOR. I suggest you use both, as both have strong advantages.

You can actually rename Page.php to Page.html and work on it, then change it back to .php if your editor won't work with .php files. They are the exact same things, only with different file extensions.

The difference is once you upload them to your website, the .php files get more "power", just because they are .php. The .php tells your host that it may have to go to work when someone visits the page. The .php files will take slightly longer to load, but not by much with what we're using them for. PHP pages also give you many more options in the future.

Your web host is set up to run php scripts. Your home computer very likely isn't. So even very simple php things propably won't work on your PC. So don't be surprise if the pages look totally different when viewed on your PC compared to on your host.

We will use .php pages so we can use "php includes". This function allows us to create a file, like with a bunch of navigation links, and have php insert it into as many pages as we want. But it only works after we upload our pages to our host. On our own computer we get nothing. Smile

Here's how we'll use it. There's a file called footer.php. I've added some links to various legal pages like TOS, etc. By adding a "php include", these links will be included on every page we make and if we ever want to change the footer info we just change the footer.php file and it will update across all the pages that contain the footer include, whether it's one page or one million pages.

Here's the html code in the footer.php file:
<p class="w3-small"><center>
<a href="TOS.php" target="_new">TOS</a>  |  <a href="Contact.php" target="_new">Contact</a>  |  <a href="AffiliateDisclosure.php" target="_new">Affiliate Disclosure</a>  |  <a href="DMCA.php" target="_new">DMCA Copyright Notice</a>  |  <a href="Spam.php" target="_new">Anti Spam Policy</a>   |  <a href="Privacy.php" target="_new">Privacy Policy</a>  |  <a href="Earnings.php" target="_new">Earnings Disclaimer</a>
Now all you have to do is tell a page to "include" this footer.php file and you can update footer.php anytime you need to update all the pages that use the include.

Both php templates have the footer include tag:
<?php include 'footer.php';?>

The 2 column .php template also has this include:
<?php include 'Right-Column-Include.php';?>
You can put whatever you want in these files, just be careful with formatting.

You can remove these includes or add additional files of your own. You don't want to use too many though, as they will slow down your server. But one or two strategically used are a good trade-off IMO.
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The Pheeds Kings and Queens of Content VIP Club affiliate program.

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Free Web Design Tools

If you already have your own favorites, use them. If not, I suggest these free tools for designing web content.

SeaMonkey Composer
W3 Schools
The Content Silo from Pheeds

SeaMonkey is a free web browser that also has a WYSIWYG page composer feature. It has a couple of minor issues, but it's easy and it does what we need it to for Fast and Furious and can open and edit both .html and .php files. - WIN, Mac, Linux

Here's a couple basic intros to SeaMonkey

Use Mozilla/SeaMonkey Composer to Make Web Pages
SeaMonkey Composer Using Internal CSS Styles

Notepad++ - Advanced free text editor with good features for editing html and php. - Notepad++ plugins. I don't use notepad++ so I can't give first-hand advice on these, but try adding the html/php related plugins. I use a text editor called EditPlus, which I like but it's $35. If you don't already have a good text editor (NOT NOTEPAD OR WORDPAD), then get Notepad++. Regular Notepad doesn't even show line numbers.

W3 Schools - This is the organization that created and maintains W3CSS. They have excellent tutorials and "Try it" features specific to W3CSS. Use the "Try It" to modify various elements and to get a look at the results. When you get something that works, paste the code into your Fast and Furious pages. Don't get too caught up with everything you can do. This is about being fastest and most furious, not prettiest. Just know you can. Smile

The Content Silo

The Content Silo is built for this.
  • It has a simple WYSIWYG html editor you can use to create snippets of HTML code to paste into your text editor.
  • Multiple Writing Areas
  • I added Fast and Furious W3CSS code snippets at the bottom.

Also notice these links at the top. They can help with Fast and Furious Pages:
  • HTMLCheats
  • W3.CSS
  • Rytr
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The Pheeds Kings and Queens of Content VIP Club affiliate program.

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TOS and Privacy Pages

Also included are these TOS pages. You will need to add your own info.

Use them. They will protect you and likely help your rankings as well as comply with the TOS of sites like Amazon and Google Adsense.

I removed the header image and the header area. This is so after you modify them for the first time with your info you can use them over and over on all your sites without having to change anything or mess with images or keywords.

I used .php and two columns so these pages will include navigation. When people visit these pages we want them to click on a money link. Remember, you won't see the "footer include" content on your own PC and need to upload and view them on the web to see the PHP.

I added links to the 7 pages in the footer.php so they will be displayed on all your pages, unless you remove it for any/all pages. If you don't use .php or the footer include, you can add the links to these pages in your templates. Just paste the content of footer.php where the include is located. If you make any changes you will have to modify each page individually.
  • AffiliateDisclosure.php
  • Contact.php
  • DMCA.php
  • Earnings.php
  • Privacy.php
  • Spam.php
  • TOS.php

You can add more pages, like a "medical disclaimer" if needed, or remove links to pages you don't need.
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The Pheeds Kings and Queens of Content VIP Club affiliate program.

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Which company is a good hosting site for these html / money sites?
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(01-20-2023, 06:56 AM)Big DM Wrote: Which company is a good hosting site for these html / money sites?

IF you want to diversify your footprints for SEO/camouflage, I usually start by looking for deals and reviews here:

A good benefit with simple HTML sites is they are so easy to move to take advantage of hosting or in case of bad hosting. Even good hosting services have bad servers with bad neighbors.
Enjoy Generous Commissions up to 60%, find ready-to-use swipe files and more with
The Pheeds Kings and Queens of Content VIP Club affiliate program.

Click here to your affiliate link and get started now.

[-] The following 1 user Likes Kurt's post:
  • Big DM
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Hi Kurt,

I can see the value in this as I personally always dread configuring new wordpress sites.

I have a question about best practices if you don't mind.

I have found some good keywords through your trigger words...but they are in different niches.

So for example using reviews as a trigger word. found some good keywords I think I could rank for with just some good on page.

So how many pages would you conisder a minimum for each niche site? I figure Google still frowns upon thin affiliate sites.

Also, would they frown upon a reviews site or similiar that had a lot of reviews albeit in different niches?

Just trying to get my head wrapped around it because I didn't really want to create a whole bunch of content for one or two keywords per niche if that makes sense.

Thank you for your time

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(03-14-2023, 06:26 PM)Mark D Wrote: Hi Kurt,

I can see the value in this as I personally always dread configuring new wordpress sites.

I have a question about best practices if you don't mind.

I have found some good keywords through your trigger words...but they are in different niches.

So for example using reviews as a trigger word. found some good keywords I think I could rank for with just some good on page.

So how many pages would you conisder a minimum for each niche site? I figure Google still frowns upon thin affiliate sites.

Also, would they frown upon a reviews site or similiar that had a lot of reviews albeit in different niches?

Just trying to get my head wrapped around it because I didn't really want to create a whole bunch of content for one or two keywords per niche if that makes sense.

Thank you for your time


Hi Mark,

I'd guess the minimum pages is about 10-15. But good SEO today also includes updates and adding pages to a site...maybe about a month after Google indexes the pages/sites. For example, write a 1500 word article, but only post 1200 words and then add the "new" content and make a few other changes to show Google the site is active.

Either strategy, focused niche or broadly focused, will work,. Long term, I suggest both. Generally, get decent content up and to see what's working for you. My SEO/keyword strategy has always been to cover as many reasonable keywords as possible. Research is really a guestimate that really is just an indication with the main benefit helping us be more decisive. Pick keywords as your main SEO focus, but the real key will be to work in as many complimentary keywords as possible, in ways that will appeal to real people.

And...keywords on a page are not etched in stone. Again, after some time, things like keywords in titles, headers and links can be changed. If a page is indexed but not getting traffic from Google (check your web stats), you can tweak and change your keywords and content. This is an SEO technique that is very time effective.

When pages rank for keywords that have some value, do a little "link scultpting" and push internal link juice to those pages. Add a paragraph on other pages with relevant keywords that point to you "best" pages.

Consider the VAST majority of pages on the web have zero external backlinks. Having just a link or two (that Google is aware of) is a big advantage over the pages with zero links. 
Try getting a decent expired domain with a few good links. Be smart and strategic and just get a few decent links pointing where they will do you the most good.

And the most important thing with SEO is to get as many words, in as many combos, on as many pages, in ways the benefit people as possible. It's the combos that really create traffic.
Enjoy Generous Commissions up to 60%, find ready-to-use swipe files and more with
The Pheeds Kings and Queens of Content VIP Club affiliate program.

Click here to your affiliate link and get started now.

[-] The following 3 users Like Kurt's post:
  • John Rogers, Mark D, Tiffany655
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Thank you Kurt. That is awesome advice.

I have been out of the SEO game for a while so this really helps.

Thanks again.

[-] The following 1 user Likes Mark D's post:
  • Kurt
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Yes that is awesome advice, biggest problem I always had when I do this is keeping these kind of pages updated.
There goes the ranking.  So yeah loved that save some of the article advice. 

Kurt would these work on free sites as part of a content wheel?
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Hi Kurt,

I believe I must have joined one of your memberships years ago if my memory has not betrayed me.

I'm so happy to have joined you here because I can't believe how you overdeliver with all these goodies, wisdom and experience.

Thank you for the honor indeed.

Best regards,
[-] The following 2 users Like ewebzine's post:
  • Kurt, Patricia715
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