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General Phorum Rules and Guidelines
There may be more rules and guidelines for other forums and threads in addition to these and these rules apply to all of the Pheeds Phorum.

You should assume the intent/spirit of the rules and not the exact letter of the rules.

One account per person. Real names perferred even if it's just your first name and initial.

Be nice. This isn't a "safe place". Instead, Pheeds is a place where marketers understand "trigger words" and use discipline to avoid those that intend to anger, insult or shame others. It isn't about "them", it's about you and me.

If you can't select better words, this probably isn't the place for you.

You own the rights to your posts. However, by posting here you grant the post them even if you get banned.

Cow Chips are "currency" that can be earned through helpful engagement in the Phroum and spent to buy access to additional Pheeds features. Do not try to earn Cow Chips or increase post counts with meainingless short posts or comments or inflate character counts with "fluff" words.

Don't use excessive caps or styling like fonts, sizes and colors. may move or delete any threads, posts or comments.

You must have the rights or permission to use the content of your posts. No "sharing" of files unless you own the files. No copy/pasted content unless you own the content. Sites that allow content to be shared like YouTube videos are fine.

Signatures require minimum participation in the Phorum before they are available. Sigs are limited to 255 characters and no images allowed. Affiliate links are allowed but must clearly be marked with (AFF). It's strongly recommended that you don't post about how to make money while having an affiliate link to a product about how to make money.

These rules may change as needed.
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Newbie Background info -  Any general questions like "how do I make money online" MUST use the Newbie Background Info form and fill in the basic info to be posted as a new thread.
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