Full Version: CapCut is a cool free tool to convert static images to videos
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CapCut is free app has really useful features called 3D Zoom and 3D Zoom Pro that create a "parallax effect" on still images. I've used this technique quite a bit over the years to add interest to still images, but had to do it manually. CapCut  is just one click.

This is an 11-second video I slapped together of two versions of two still images. You'll see the still image of each for a few seconds, then the 3D Zoom Pro effect:

Because it's cool and now easy to do, this technique will probably become over-used in the future. But until then, it's a great way to add interest and keep attention when using still images in videos.

Here's a quick How To video:

Again, it's free. Links: - Apple - Android
IMO text is maybe the most underrated option for video makers. With a few simple techniques, you can create visually appealing scenes about virtually anything to use in videos.

You can animate and design text. You can use only text, added to still images and over video clips.

How To Add Text in CapCut
CapCut has a really easy to use video background removal tool, which is really handy. But there aren't a lot of controls for it that I've found, at least yet, so if it doesn't get it right it's hard to tweak.This video shows a fun way to use the background removal tool:
CapCut Tutorial - Freeze Frame Clone Trail Effect

EPIC Special Effects You Can Make in CapCut