Full Version: Anyone Tried HARO for SEO ?
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Has anyone ever tried this for getting backlinks, citations etc ?

Apparently it's very effective for SEO (HARO) - must admit I'd never heard of it before! It looks like it might be hard work though (which will put me out!).
HARO is something I've been telling myself to try for years. HARO = Help A Reporter Out.

It is an exellent way to get links and publicity. The "catch" is you have to be an expert in your niche. In exchange for your expertise, reporters will use you as an expert source in their articles, giving you the possibility of exposure on major sites with high Google authority.
Correct - Tip: Sign up a "scraper" email then add ALL catagories, etc = Massive inbox of Events/Trends for free Smile
Done it now for 3 Years.
(12-11-2020, 05:19 PM)cosmic77 Wrote: [ -> ]Correct - Tip: Sign up a "scraper" email then add ALL catagories, etc = Massive inbox of Events/Trends for free [Image: smile.png] Done it now for 3 Years.
That's actually a very good idea  Smile
WWWow that is encouraging information cosmic 77  I am with Kurt on this one  just never had the guts to go for it.  Although
I have heard for years that is a great  thing to use and of course everybody makes lists of things and often that is added to
the list for various reasons.  I never knew till you wrote this if that was really a viable method.  Good to know! Thanks so much
for your great imput