Full Version: Vince and Shamwow are back...
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Just saw this Shamwow commercial with the Vince guy on TV. It's interesting on a few levels.
 What do you think about the bonus offer at the end?
Pretty timely incentive I'd say. I think I'd have to get more information about the materials that they're using and whether that shaping for over the nose is adjustable.

But yeah, I see that offer increasing conversions right now with the powers that be still telling people to wear masks.
(05-12-2020, 12:38 PM)JoeSpirit Wrote: [ -> ]Pretty timely incentive I'd say. I think I'd have to get more information about the materials that they're using and whether that shaping for over the nose is adjustable.

But yeah, I see that offer increasing conversions right now with the powers that be still telling people to wear masks.

There were a couple of things I found interesting about it. They brought up "anti bacterial" a couple of times. From a marketing perspective this is probably a good thing. From a COVID point of view, I don't think it offers any additional protection from viruses.

Also, most of the TV ads that address COVID in any way have been pretty somber. The first part of this commercial was humorous. They seemed to kind of struggle with Vince weraing a mask at the end, not knowing whether to use Vince's humorous character or to play it sincere and got stuck in the middle.

This interests me for making marketing videos and how they try to sell in these times.