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Content Silo - The Ugly and Exremely Useful Page for Writing Content

You can also access it directly from the top navigation menu on each forum page:
| Content Silo |

Problem: Writing content often means switching from one program window with your notes and research to another window to create your original content.

Solution: Content Silo is a simple web page with 3 boxes so you can paste in notes, research and type in the work area and see all three at the same time.

Suggested use:

Left/Yellow Box
Notes, headlines, keywords, etc.

Center/Gray Box
Research, PLR, stats, etc.

Right/Blue Box
Your original work and has character and word count.

You can resize each box by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of each.
Links to Convenient Tools - Updated July 9, 2021

Note: You have to go to The Pheeds Content Silo page to access all the tools.

Pheeds Swipes Over - 900 suggestions for headlines, email subjects, blog posts and social medial.

Linez Tuel - manipulates lines of text. Must have Tuelz software installed and running.

TxtMech - Online text manipulation tool. Not as powerful as Linez but still very useful. -  

Txt Fixer - Very useful text tool. Has a lot of features like Title Capitalization Tool, Word Counter, Convert URLs to HTML Links, Convert CSV Text to HTML Table, Capitalize the First letter of Sentences, Word Counter, Convert URLs to HTML Links and many more. -  

Resoomer - Input in a large article and it summarizes the text by selecting the most relevant sentences.

WordTune - Add sentences of text and WordTune will give you different variations of the sentences. - Useful if you want to rewrite and reword conten.

Hemmingway - makes your writing bold and clear. An excellent free speech to text program. If you have a mic you talk and it types.

Otter.AI - An excellent free speech to text program. If you have a mic you talk and it types.

Idioms -  Idioms are figures of speech and are useful when creating content especially -  videos.

Textalyserb - An esential tool for finding the keyword density and most common words and phrases in a bunch of text.

Wolfram - A search engine that specializes in data and statistics.

YouTube - You know what it is.

Google Scholar - Special Google search engine that focuses on quality research and reports that have been cited by respected sources.

All The Top - top news and information in real time. Find a topic and learn what's happening from trusted sources.
ShareIt - Free Content Curation & Influencer and Quality Content Discovery

Buzzsumo - Run a search to quickly discover content ideas, uncover platform insights, identify passionate influencers and more.

Quora - A great resource for discovering what people want to know and for researching your own content.

Reddit - Another great resource for discovering what people want to know and for researching your own content.

ListVerse - A big selection of top 10 lists. Excellent for research and creating your own lists.

UberSuggest - Pumps out tons of keywords.

Answer the Public - Generates huges lists of questions people are asking in your niches.

LSIGraph - An essential keyword research tool.

SayIt - map maker of subreddits showing related subs based on contributors in common.

DuckDuckGo - is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results. DuckDuckGo distinguishes itself from other search - -  engines by not profiling its users and by showing all users - -  the same search results for a given search term. Wikipedia

Amazon Nodes - an excellent tool for browsing Amazon. Instead of using categories, it uses Amazon’s “nodes”. Don’t worry about what a child or node is, it’s not - important for our niche research purposes…just click on stuff to - keep drilling down.

Amazon Magazines - A good place to start niche research is by checking the magazines listed on Amazon and just clicking and browsing, looking for ideas.

Amazon Magazines - The directory page for Amazon’s best selling products in a variety of categories.

eBay Categories - Browse the eBay list of categories. Drill down for niche ideas. Also buyer comments on products are excellent for writing product reviews and sales letters.

WikiQuotes - Quotes are useful for increasing authority, interest and breaking up long blocks of text.

SlideShare - Embedding SlideShare presentations is a fast and interesting way to embed interactive media in your content

YouTube videos add beneficial elements to your content.

Pinterest - Use Pinterest for research and ideas, plus you can embed Pins in your own content.

Ezine Articles -  Still an excellent resource for research.

Hubpages - Another site that seems dated but still offers a lot of quality content for research and ideas.
Facts - Facts and statistics are great for creating content. A simple stat can give you 2-3 paragraphs of sold as well as back up your opinions and strengthen selling points.

Title Case - Paste in a string of text and convert it to the proper case automatically.

AI Writers Pheeds Forum post - a list of artificial intelligence content writers with free trial offers..

HTMLCheat - Well organized collection of a wide assortment of tools included tags, cheatsheets, generators, more.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for:

Links to Google Search Results for a variety of templates
Blog posts templates
articles templates
short reports templates
ebooks templates
kindle books templates
book blurbs templates video scripts templates
news letters templates
solo emails templates
autoresponder series emails templates
press releases templates
sales letters templates landing pages templates
advertisements templates
forum posts templates
social media posts templates
video tutorials templates
joint venture proposals templates

Links to tons of free templates. Each category has a lot more templates and a good usage license.
Follow Up
Get Well
Job Offer
Social Event
Thank You
Below the text boxes are links to various templates of interest to IMers.
  • Links to Google Search Results for a variety of templates
  • Templates and Guides from Writexpress. Each category has a lot more templates and a good usage license.
Textalyzer Trick:

Do a google for your keywords.

Visit each of the top 10 pages listed and copy/paste each them into Content Silo to create one big chunk of text. Just do a "select all" on each page and copy/paste it.

Copy all the text and paste into Textalyzer and mess around with the functions.

Find the most commonly used words and phrases, especially those that don't contain your main keywords.

Paste the most commonly used phrases into the left box in Content Silos and use these topics as the basis for content. Try mixing in some trending keywords/topics you found at BuzzSumo or Google Trends to give your content a potential "freshness boost".
Added a basic text/html editor to the work area.
I added these resources for building content:

WikiQuotes - Quotes are useful for increasing authority, interest and breaking up long blocks of text.

SlideShare - Embedding SlideShare presentations is a fast and interesting way to embed interactive media in your content"

YouTube - YouTube videos add useful element to your content.

Pinterest - Use Pinterest for research and ideas, plus you can embed Pins in your own content.

EzineArticles - Still an excellent resource for research.

HubPages - Another site that seems dated but still offers a lot of quality content for research and ideas.

Facts - Facts and statistics are great for creating content. A simple stat can give you 2-3 paragraphs of solid content talking about the stat, as well as back up your opinions and strengthen selling points. This links to a page with 14 resources for facts and stats.

I'm sure you're aware you can embed Youtube videos, but in case you don't know you can also embed Pins from Pinterest and SlideShare presentations.

Here's a few "ingredients" you can add to your content:

YouTube video
A quote
A fact
A Slideshare presentation
A pin

These add interest for your viewers but they also give you something to talk about. What's in a video, presentation or pin? What did it miss and do well? How can you use a stat to convince, inform and entertain?

Mix a couple these with a little original content from your research from multiple sources and you have the foundation of a pretty good article/post.
A small typo:
Tell us what's missing from the Silo and disover and discuss Content Silo tips and strategies here.

I love this tool and use it almost daily as it is very versatile and has tons of resources "all on one page."
(04-26-2020, 11:53 PM)Jeffery Wrote: [ -> ]A small typo:
Tell us what's missing from the Silo and disover and discuss Content Silo tips and strategies here.

I love this tool and use it almost daily as it is very versatile and has tons of resources "all on one page."

Fixed it and also fixed the typo Exremely I had in the title of this thread.

Note: Add link to Grammar Police to Silo. Wink
Added a link to Idioms. I use Idioms a lot especially when creating promo videos and letters. They help express ideas visually. The problem with them is other cutlures may not get the references.

This site also has some other good reference tools like specialty dictionaries and a couple of excyclopedias. (It's "Idioms" in the links on Content silo)
I added a link to SayIt:

SayIt is a really cool "map maker" the connects subreddits based on contributors they have in common. It's a good way to find related topics for niches.

After you enter a subreddit name you can click on the other subs shown and the posts will open in the right panel. They you can sort by things like Hot, New, Rising, etc.
Hi Kurt,
This is missing from the present page? Above the 3 columns.
The left column is for notes, including swipe files.The center column is for research or PLR. Just paste in content here.The right column is your writing space. It also has a character/word count function.
(07-14-2020, 07:39 AM)Jeffery Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Kurt,
This is missing from the present page? Above the 3 columns.
The left column is for notes, including swipe files.The center column is for research or PLR. Just paste in content here.The right column is your writing space. It also has a character/word count function.
Yeah...I removed those notes because I've added links and wanted the screen space above the fold. I could add it below...did you forget? Wink
(07-14-2020, 03:41 PM)Kurt Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-14-2020, 07:39 AM)Jeffery Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Kurt,
This is missing from the present page? Above the 3 columns.
The left column is for notes, including swipe files.The center column is for research or PLR. Just paste in content here.The right column is your writing space. It also has a character/word count function.

Yeah...I removed those notes because I've added links and wanted the screen space above the fold. I could add it below...did you forget? Wink

Yes sir, I forgot. What are columns 1 and 2 for? See what I mean?
Personally, one additional line above the fold that clarifys what the columns are for goes a long way for people that have never seen it before.
(07-15-2020, 01:23 AM)Jeffery Wrote: [ -> ]Yes sir, I forgot. What are columns 1 and 2 for? See what I mean? Personally, one additional line above the fold that clarifys what the columns are for goes a long way for people that have never seen it before.

I have the directions in my OP on this thread. I figured adding the text/html design tool pretty much shows what the work area is and the other two columns can be resized and really used for anything.

I compromised and added these directions just below the columns: Wink
Quote:You can resize each work area above by clicking and dragging the lower right corner of each.

Use the left two columns for notes, keywords, ideas, research etc.

Use the column on the right with the text/html tools as your work area to quickly rewrite your content.
Added Text Mechanic (TxtMech) to Content Silo:

Text Mechanic has a variety of text manipulation tools. It's similar to my Linez Tuel but not as powerful IMHO. For one, Linez does everything on one page. Wink

Also added Text Fixer (TXT Fixer)

It has a lot of cool text features including: Title Capitalization Tool, Word Counter, Convert URLs to HTML Links, Convert CSV Text to HTML Table, Capitalize the First letter of Sentences, Word Counter, Convert URLs to HTML Links and more...
I added a link to a Title Case tool which is useful when creating headlines, email subject lines, etc.
(09-11-2020, 09:13 PM)Kurt Wrote: [ -> ]I added a link to a Title Case tool which is useful when creating headlines, email subject lines, etc.
Secure Connection Failed
Added WordTune to the Content Silo. WordTune rewrites sentences and gives you a choice of variations. Useful for things like rewriting PLR and times when you need to reword content.
Added a link to HTML Cheatsheet, a well organized collection of a wide assortment of tools included tags, cheatsheets, generators, more. Very handy for anyone working with web/html code and also includes things like cgi form generators and htaccess snippets.
Added 6 more resizable work areas.

Also added links to:

DiffChecker which highlight differences in two blocks of text.

LingoJamSerps - Lingo Jam is a unique translator. For example, it can translate English to "Ned Flanders" or to "Yoda". The problem is, I couldn't find a way to browse or search LingoJam on their site, so I posted a link to Google SERPs for: "english to"
I added some buttons below the top/left work area to prefix and suffix all the lines in that area with some common html tags. This can be really handy for things like when you have a few paragraphs of text and want to quickly format them for the Web.

p = Adds a paragraph tag before each line.
p /p = Wraps each line with the open and closing paragraph tags.
<p>A line of text.
<p>A line of text wrapped</p>